The JASP Team

JASP’s Founders are people who are active in and have a passion for sustainability in Jersey. If you’re interested in playing a bigger role in our mission then please get in touch.

  • Michelle Ryan

    Director, True Limited


    A passionate leader in sustainability and not-JUST-for-profit businesses.

    Michelle has coupled a Maths degree with 20 years experience in Private Banking in both Jersey and London, becoming a Chartered Fellow of the Securities Institute. She has grown her experience, skills and qualifications in sustainability, studying with IEMA, the University of Cambridge and the CFA, and now works with international SME clients from a base in Jersey.

    She works closely with her network to provide solutions to clients that reach beyond the expected and the traditional.

  • Ali Cambray

    Director ESG, Sustainability and Net Zero, PwC Channel Islands


    Ali is a career sustainability professional of over 20 years experience working with governments, businesses and financial institutions around the world on sustainable development and climate strategy, policy, programming, implementation HAIR and financing. She holds a BSc (Hons) Environmental Sciences and has been a IEMA member since 2002. She began her career in government, working on environmental and climate change policy at EU, UK and local government levels. She joined PwC's market-leading sustainability consultancy practice in London in 2008.

    She has been based in Jersey for 10 years, and leads sustainability, ESG and net zero consultancy services for PwC Channel Islands. She works with government, corporates and financial services clients locally and internationally on ESG strategy, integration, reporting and assurance. She has served as a member of the Jersey Energy Forum as the financial services representative, and as the accounting profession representative on the Jersey Finance Sustainable Finance Steering Committee.

  • Becky Brewer

    Director of Finance and Commercial, Durrell Wildlife Conservation Trust


    Becky has been with Durrell since March 2019. Before joining Durrell, she spent 15 years working for PwC delivering assurance and advisory engagements across a range of financial services and hospitality and leisure clients both in the Channel Islands and the Middle East.

    In 2017, she took an 18-month career break to spend some time focussing on personal interests around nature and conservation. During this time, Becky volunteered on several wildlife conservation projects across Botswana and Zimbabwe and trekked Kilimanjaro and Mount Meru.

    She is passionate about combining the skills gathered as a finance professional with her interests in conservation and sustainability.

  • Sarah Carre

    Founder and CEO, The People and Planet Company


    Sarah founded The People and Planet Co to align her values with her work. She helps her clients develop and deliver authentic sustainability strategies aligned to sustainable development principles.

    She has a unique blend of extensive consulting skills, technical sustainability knowledge and experience at the grassroots level working on projects tackling societal and environmental issues during her extensive global travels. A GRI Certified Sustainability Professional, ISO14001 Lead Auditor, and Associate Member of the Institute of Environmental Management and Assessment (IEMA), Sarah has a keen interest in emerging models that measure true impact, along with systems that consider planetary boundaries, and value social and ecological returns.

  • Nick Perchard-Rees

    Head of Business Development & Sustainability, SunWorks


    Nick is an associate member of the Institute of Environmental Management and Assessment (IEMA) and a recent graduate of the Business Sustainability Leadership course from the Cambridge Institute of Sustainable Leadership (CISL). He is passionate about promoting environmentally friendly practices and always strives to deliver a positive impact for the future of our planet.

    Nick's experience includes creating, delivering, and leading projects within sectors such as transport, logistics, construction, and energy, all with a focus on reducing greenhouse gas emissions and promoting sustainability.

    Nick believes in the interrelationships between social, economic, and environmental systems and is driven to create a better future for all and strives to inspire others to do the same.