
Membership offers opportunities to collaborate and provide a wider knowledge set and greater ability to accelerate and strengthen the overall quality of sustainability practitioner offerings in Jersey.


Your membership allows us to connect people and create partnerships to accelerate the pace and scale of sustainability action in Jersey.

Contact us to learn more or fill in our application form below:


Your Business membership allows us to strengthen the quality of sustainability practitioner offerings in Jersey and support you in offering the best sustainability solutions to your customers.

Contact us to learn more or fill in our application form below:


Please complete your individual membership details and hit send and we’ll review and process as soon as we can. (Covers: Practitioner / Associate / Community / Student / Supported Membership)


Please complete your business membership details and hit send and we’ll review and process as soon as we can.

Membership Level Criteria

Practioner Membership

  • Specialist individuals delivering sustainability-related products or services as their core role, or individuals working as a sustainability-related specialist within their wider organisation. Guidance on example roles can be found in JASP published 'Sustainability Role examples' (which is not exhaustive and will be updated as deemed appropriate and agreed by the Membership Committee).

  • 3+ years relevant sustainability work experience

  • Undergraduate or post-graduate degrees or similar level in environmental or social subjects


    CISL sustainability related courses (8 weeks)

    IEMA Practitioner

    IEMA Associate

    GRI Certified Sustainability Professional

    Chartered Banker Diploma / Certificate in green and sustainable finance

    ISSP Sustainability excellence professional

    ACCO Certified climate change professional

    Green building / built environment certification (higher)

  • Does not hold a relevant qualification but can demonstrate 8 or more years of relevant experience in the industry.

    Under 3 years but advanced level membership of relevant professional body such as IEMA Practitioner.

Community  Membership

  • An individual that is interested in sustainability and does not necessarily meet the practitioner / associate definition.

  • Is not currently delivering sustainability as part of their role but wishes to be part of the community supporting JASP.

  • Not applicable.

  • Not applicable

Associate Membership

  • An individual working in an organisation in a role which requires some sustainability skills to deliver sustainability objectives as a part of their role, but not as their core role.

  • Under 3 years relevant sustainability work experience.

  • Undergraduate or post-graduate degrees or similar level in environmental or social subjects


    CISL Sustainability essentials for business

    CISI Sustainable and responsible investment professional assessment

    CFA’s certificate in ESG investing

    Equivalent in-house qualifications

    Fundamentals of sustainability accounting (FSA)

    IEMA certificate in environmental management

    IEMA certified pathways to net zero

    IEMA certified environmental sustainability

    Green building certification (lower)

    ISO 14001 internal auditor, lead implementer and lead auditor certifications

    ICAEW sustainability certificate skills for the workforce

    Social Value UK’s course on social return on investment

    TCFD e-learning courses

  • Does not hold / or is not studying / booked to study a current, relevant qualification UBUT can demonstrate a commitment to a number of CPD hours per year.

Business Membership

  • An organisation that solely provides sustainability-related products or services.

  • Some members of the organisation can demonstrate 3 years of relevant experience and/or an advanced level of membership of a relevant professional body.

  • Some members of the organisation hold a current, relevant qualification as per JASP published list

  • Not applicable

Student  Membership

  • Individuals interested in pursuing formal qualifications in sustainability and accessing learning and development opportunities, with a view to progressing to Practitioner Membership level. 

  • Is not currently delivering sustainability as part of their role but wishes to be part of the community supporting JASP.

  • Holds/studying/booked to study a current, relevant qualification as per JASP published list.

  • Not applicable

Membership Fees

LEVEL Annual Fee (£)

Business Membership  – < than 10 employees £150

Business Membership  – > than 10 employees £300

Practitioner Membership £100

Associate Membership​ £50

Community Membership £30

Student​ Membership £20

Supported Membership* £20

*We would like to ensure that people who may be unable to pay the full membership price due to certain circumstances such as unemployment, career break, hardship, retirement, health issues, can still access JASP. We will treat each application on a case-by-case basis. ​