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JASP Code of Professional Conduct.

JASP brings together sustainability practitioners and industry to learn from and support each other whilst advancing the Island’s sustainability agenda. Membership aims to recognise and strengthen the professional credibility of the local sustainability industry. As Sustainability Professionals, we also recognise our role within decisions that may impact society, the environment and sustainable development.

The JASP Code of Conduct aims to ensure an understanding of what a JASP member stands for, how we behave within our profession, and what can be expected between us and fellow professionals.


1.     Competence, knowledge and high standards of professionalism

Comply with relevant laws, adopt and stay aware of the latest good practice, both individually, and in our professional relationships supporting others to do the same

Safeguard and do not seek to gain from confidential information.

Ensure those we work with have the necessary competencies to deliver.

Support and promote sustainable actions and challenge unsustainable actions, based upon facts, figures, reasonable judgement and professional expertise.

Pursue, develop and maintain standards of professional competence and knowledge, keeping our skills relevant

Acknowledge limits of our own professional competence and seek support and advice in areas where this may be stretched.

Keep a record of Continuing Professional Development (CPD), where possible.

Challenge unlawful or unprofessional behaviours


2.     High ethical standards of honesty, integrity and objectivity

Be honest, open and trustworthy in our professional conduct and accountable for our actions and decisions.

Apply knowledge and skills to our best ability, even when it conflicts with the interest of employers or clients.

Declare conflicts of interest that may influence or be perceived to influence our objectivity.

Communicate the reliability, accuracy and quality of data and information provided to others.


3.     Ensuring equality, diversity and inclusion within our professional activity

Treat others fairly and respectfully

Strive to ensure equality of opportunity, diversity and inclusion, supporting human rights and dignity.

Act in a way that safeguards the physical and mental health, safety and wellbeing of others.

To be active in speaking up and encouraging others to do so by listening up, promoting a safe environment for all and recognising the responsibilities we have to our communities.

Be respectful of the customs, practices, culture and personal beliefs of others in our professional activity.


4.     Upholding the reputation of our profession

Act in a way that upholds our own reputation and values, as well as those of our professional bodies or associations, and the sustainability profession, doing nothing that would bring these into disrepute.

Demonstrate leadership qualities appropriate to our roles, and endeavour to be an innovative, systems thinker in the pursuit of long-term environmental, social, and economic sustainability.

Promote the vision of JASP as the leading local association for sustainability professionals.

Contribute to the development of the profession through our involvement with JASP.